Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day off

Day off today, well kind of. I worked at the house today cleaning carpet. I enjoyed the day it was nice until it start rainy, but hey a little rain doesn't hurt anything. I plan to plant some monkey grass along my walk way. It should look really nice.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Taking a Break

Today was a busy day at work. Since I have became the manager of the store, I haven't had a break. I love staying busy it makes the time go by fast, but I get so busy that I forget to take a break. This is a excellent job. So excited.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I almost forgot to do my assignment I was so exhausted today. My day at work was very busy I had to wait about 45 mins, to wait for a delivery. I must saying being a manager is alot of responsiblities and take all your effort to suceed.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I got bapitized today at church it was a wonderful feeling. I still feel a little sad because my grades this semester could have been alot better. I being going through some things and you can see it by grades. Well I hope that this semester I will be done with everything and be back on track.

Friday, April 10, 2009

New Manager

Getting the hang of being a new manager I thought that this would be a challenge. I already know the most important requirements for the job. I been at the job for three years, so it is like I just got a raise but everything is still the same. The customers are very happy for me, I thought I would have problems with one customer. They always dealt with the old manager and I thought they wouldn't give me a chance, but they did.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Yesterday I was surprised with excellent news. I got a promotion at work I'm now the manager of the Electrical Department at Locke Supply. I was in shock, I prayed for more money to help pay for my lawyer and God helped me. The old manager is transferring to another store in Arkansas. One more thing I went to court and the case was reviewed and the enemy lied terrible on the stand. My case may get dismissed. Amen.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Getting ready

Getting ready to start getting materials for my research paper. I think that it will be very interesting. Man, it's worth 400 points I hope I make a pretty decent grade on it. I going to try very hard to do my best. That's all I got.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rainy Days

Rainy days take the life out of people. I mean it makes me lazy and all I want to do is sleep. It make a person too realized. Today at work when it began to rain it made business slower than ever. No one wants to be in the rain, so every one stays in.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back to Class

Hey, back so soon to class. Well I've to decided to give the rest of the semester my 110% effort. I was slipping a little before letting things get in the way of my education. I really want to suceed in the college thing so I can be somebody. Well I'am somebody now "Kay". I just want to have a very jolly spirit and live life to the fullest.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Forgot Post

I forgot to post yesterday, I was so busy my suv start acting up on me. The spark plug came out and it will not go back in. I may have to get the head worked on. Man this is going to suck. If it is not one thing it is another.

Just Relaxing

Hey, just relaxing in Kansas City again. I went to the mall it was huge. I let my kids bungee jump, they had a good time. This mall was alot different from other malls, it actually had a area for kids to have a blast it was awesome.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Little Vacation

Well I'am taking a vacation day tomorrow at work. I need to take care of some business, and just need time to myself. I'am also going back to Kansas City this weekend. Darren cousin is having a black and white party (meaning everyone wear black and white). I meant to let everyone know that I had a blast last weekend. I kinda got a little timpsy, it was off the chain. We rapped, sung, and danced until 3:00 in morning. It was fun.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy it is about Spring Break

I 'am so happy next week is Spring Break. I can use the rest, getting a break helps me get other things done that I 've been putting off. I just pray to be stress free. I 've been slipping on focusing on college I just got some much going on that it is unreal. I'am a strong person and I know I will be ok, well aleast I hope. Last semester I did so much better, and hopefully I will get back on track. Have a fun Spring Break!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Made it to Kansas City

This is my first time visiting Kansas City it is different. I like how big it is and I saw the stadium. Darren was excited about seeing his family. We plan to stay here until tomorrow, and he is enjoying every minute. His father is super cool. Well got to go, they have been waiting on my patiently for me to get done with my assignments. Bye.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wow! Friday the 13th again, two months in a row. That's freaky. I plan to go to Kansas City this weekend, Me and my boyfriend is going to see his long lost family. He hasn't seen them since he was around seven years old, so this will be a very special day for him. I hope to return on Sunday so I can take my history test. I like to do stuff, but I know I have to make time for my assignments and I'm very thankful that each online teacher gives me until 12:00 p.m. to complete me work. Hooray!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I was so excited about understanding what happen to my blog grade. I was feeling very discouraged. I don't like to make bad grades and I will try my best to make good grades. Doing the best I can makes me feel like I will suceed in everything that I do in life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I had a decent day, it felt really good outside. I really be glad when spring gets here, so tired of the cold weather. I just want to remind you that I sent three of my blog post to your email. Oh, I went and worked today with my sister to help her with hours she has to earn for her habitat house. I helped clean the restrooms, and straightening up shelves. It was cool

Friday, March 6, 2009

Today I was reading my post in sociology, and man did I hit some peoples nerve. The discussion was about your opinion on society and they got heated. I am a true believer of God, and I voice my opinion about what he Bible says and people don't like it. I can only be me, so what I express is from the heart. They try to make me feel like the bad guy when it was only my opinion.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My day was exhausting, I worked really hard at work. I had to go to class and learn more algebra this class seems to get harder every time I go. I really don't have much to talk about to night. I guess I will get ready for bed. Well I hope who ever is reading this post have a pleasant night. C-ya later.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I got me some good rest today after work. I feel alot better, sometimes your body has to rest to rebuild your strength. I've been on the go as I stated earlier. No kids at home to brother me, boyfriend went over his friend man what a good day.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I've been really stressed out for this semester. I have alot of things going on right now and only God can help me through them. I will not give up so I am like the energize battery I keep going and going. I was getting behind in some of my courses, but I think that I will be ok. I do not like to receive any grades belower than a B so I have to keep trying harder to met that goal.
Today I had court it was scarey, the case is about a fight but the people I was into it with lied. So I have to defend myself to show the courts that I'am innocent. I think everything will be of ok, but still keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hey what's up, well today was a pleasant day for me. It is really slow at work and I had time to read some sociology. I sure I will make a A on the next test. Reading is my weakness, because I get so bored with it. But if you don't read than how can you learn? You can't.

Any way I would just like to say that you are really cool teacher, you really have a sense of humor about things. I really like that so as what you say to most of your students, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Well you do the same.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today I got my result back from my sociology test, lets say it wasn't that good. Last semester I would panic over a bad grade but now I know I will make it up. Bad grades motivate me to work even harder to get an A on the next test.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I have to get off this web, I have a sociology test to take it is a quiz I just discover the post about 30 mins ago. Wish me good luck. I hope that I pass it. Good nite.
Happy Valentines Day everyone. Today I went and bought gifts for my family they really enjoyed them. I hope you are having a good hoilday.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have the hardest time getting onto the blog. I always have to reset my password. Anyways, I've had a long day, I'm so sleepy I stay up until about 12:00 p.m. doing my homework. I had to get right back up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready for work so I will be going to bed early tonite.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today I had to hire an attorney, about something that happen months ago. I am a little worried about the situation, because it wasn't right. The only thing I can do is pray and let the man upstairs handle my problems, nothing is ever to hard that he can't handle. Keep me in your prayers. Besides that have a good day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I guess I have to do my homework on the notepad. I just moved to another house and I don't have the internet yet, so I having trouble using other peoples computers. Hopefully soon I will be getting my service on.
Just sitting here trying to do my work and is getting upset because I do not have microsoft office on this computer. If it is not one thing it is another.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello, everyone I hope your day has been as pleasant as mine. I had a good day at work, the weather was great couldn't believed how it felt. I plan to go home and do my boyfriends hair, watch a movie or two and chill. Tonight all my kids will be gone, and I don't have to work tomorrow, isn't that lovely.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I finally was able to being posting, I must say I am very uneducated on the computers. I had to get help from the computer lab worker at OTC.

Things have been going pretty good in school. My grades are decent for now, but I do see that that the classes are harder than first semester. This is my first year of college, so sometimes I become impatient when I can't get every in order. I have to fit everything in a 24 hour period.